Nowadays I try to stay home on Sundays and leave time to myself and do some crafts. That is why I wanted to start to post every sunday some kind of craft. I will probably start with the ones that I have already done, and keep going on posting some cool stuff.
This time I wanted to post one of the crafts I am most proud of: my comic heels. I actually learned decoupage from my aunt, but did not became a real fan until I saw the geek potential they have, for example with the comics. I saw at first this
tutorial where you can see the details of how to make the shoes:
Well, I mean you see them and you just have to make own of your own don't you?
But I must say the best tutorial I have seen so far is this one by
Celesteknowsbest I think it really takes into account all the details and problems while doing this craft.
Here you can see mine which are based on cyclops and jean grey, one of my favorite marvel characters. The sad thing is I don't have any picture wearing them on :(. But you see them quite well.
You know the best part about this project: you can use some shoes that you already have, like I did, that you just don't wear them anymore and revamp them with less than 5€ (cause you I got about 3 comics for 2€ in a local store and i already had the decoupage glue). Do not forget that they look adorable :)
I would like to know if you have made some shoes of your own, and post the pictures.
If you want one of them without doing the effort you just can find tons of shops in etsy that do them, and if you want you can try to contact me, and I can make some for you and a reasonable price :).