jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Oculus Rift

One step closer to virtual world. For those who do not know what Oculus Rift is, it is a videogame console which allows the gamer to be inmersed in the first persons game. For example, when you move your head you are moving the camera too. Here you can see a picture:

The product is still yet on the developemnt stage, and you can adquire an Oculus Rift development set for $300 in their webpage. There are about 20,000 out there already and it is putting an end to what was thought as science "fiction".

If you want to see videos of the Oculus Rift in action, I have chosen some videos of youtuber Pewdiepie, to who I have referred to previously in my blog, playing horror games.


There are many games that would be created only for the Oculus Rift, and it has been said they are coming back some others like Resident Evil or Doom. It is been said too that they are going to develop sex games for the Oculus. What started as Leisure Suit Larry, is going to get a new whole level with this platform. Let's see how this keeps evolving.

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